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ALEX GORBI was born in Sassocorvaro (Italy) on January 31, (Aquarius). The bass guitarist of RENUDO, he started playing in 1998, showing real promise with his musical ear and natural predisposition for the instrument. Since that day of destiny, he and his beloved have become inseperable, making the instrument like another arm or leg for Alex. He has a wide variety of musical tastes, but most of all listens to rock and fusion. An intelligent, confident young man of few words, together with Carlo he makes up the tranquille part of RENUDO. Always reflective and a bit of a mystic, it is a rare occurance to hear him speak continuously for more than one minute. RENUDO calls him Hercules due to the fact that already at his tender young age he looks and acts like a grown man, while his friends from childhood call him Wild Rock (but no one really understands why...).
In general he minds his own business and has little patience for arrogance in all its forms. He reads alot, particularly literature, and never watches TV. He hangs out with few but good friends, usually older than him, and has a grand time going from place to place (discotech, clubs, town festivals and such) spending money, drinking beer and meeting as many girls as possible. He loves to travel in warm climates, but hates the beach in the day time when its all hot and crowded. At night however, maybe with a beautiful girl under the moonlit sky...well...that's another story entirely! He likes to eat, loves pasta in all its various forms, flavors, and styles, can't live without coffee and cigarettes, and is allergic to strawberries (they give him a rash from hell...). When he was 14 he lost 20 kilos because as a kid he always ate lots of junk food and other fatty snacks. He doesn't practice or follow any particular sport. And now...finally are going to describe his rappor with the more gentle sex, where one is simply astounded at his complete change of character. With the girls he is an auto-missle with circuits on overdrive in the sense that his tranquillity is suddenly transformed into dynamic tenacity, with the ultimate goal being to smooch the cheeks of as many girls as possible using the most incredible and immaginative come-one lines in the book. He is single and happy, preferring the resulting adventures of the free life. In fact, the longest relationship he has ever had lasted a month because the girlfriend was in vacation for 3 weeks...He loves a brunette with an hour-glass and a strong personality...umm...a typical italian, huh?
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