created in 1998, is a musical, multi-media project with
the dream of transforming our passions and dreams out
of a virtual playground into reality. 4 young musicians
and an animation artist hope to bring to life this total
package-sound, comics, audio, video, and of course-hard
core ROCK. RENUDO is a comic book story
divided into different episodes. Also the name of the
main character, this animated story is the tale of 4
very different people and their struggle against the
wicked monster that they are constantly fighting. Losing
each other to find each other once again, they battle
against this mini-devil that represents their personal
weaknesses and the battles that one must fight inwardly
in living the life of the everyday. And the music tells
the story. It provides the only way to escape and be
saved from the life of mediocrity and the mundane. It
is the film score for their adventures, that in the
future you can read, see, and most importantly, listen
to, every time a new CD is released.
This is the home base of RENUDO, the
place to find everything you need or want to learn about
the group, or to express your criticism. You may mistake
Renudo for a bad clone of Gorillaz, but RENUDO
is something else entirely-more tangibile and real;
something of flesh and bone that you can see (if you
want), dance and sweat to live in concert. The group
plus the music plus the comics equals a beautiful iconic
triangle, where each magnifies the potential and power
of the other, multiplying the elements to create a fantasm
of mystery, music, and graphic splash . The work that
you see here is a direct product of their unrelenting
determination, created only with the burning desire
to communicate the music that they love, the world in
which they would like to live, their vision of hope
to look square in the face this life that is filled
with warmth, encouragment, cold, and indifference. RENUDO,
(for now) does not have management, but it does have
these ideas, and the knowledge that the road to realizing
them is long and difficult. We believe in what has been
created and our only goal is to seek, learn, discuss,
mature, and share our music with as many people as possible.
In this site you will be able to download everything
on Renudo-music, image, comics and all the rest. Little
by little, this site will become more and more a true
representation of the creativity and desire running
through the veins of RENUDO...because
this is only the beginning!,...the best is yet to come.