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CRISTIAN "CHICCO" MARINI was born in Urbino (Italy) September 17, (Virgo). He is the drummer, the rhythmic pulse of RENUDO. Having graduated from conservatory in Drums and Percussion, he plays and teaches his instrument for his profession. He has won various contests and has lots of experience in jazz and fusion, and it is only now with RENUDO project that he has explored the world of rock music. He is a positive person and companion and his stability acts as the fulcrum of the group. He has always been a traditionalist, a creature of habit and routine, until Carlo and Danilo came into his life and brought in a little eclecticism with their "out there" ways and doings, which to him seem a little extraterrestrial at times. Living in the countryside under the hills of Urbino, he loves nature, his dog, and the simple life, yet he dreams of traveling to mountains, oceans, and cities (the US is #1 on his list right now...) very different from his own. Like Alex he isn't a big fan of sports in general (he hates soccer...) and currently doesn't play any, although he has been an avid swimmer since he was a kid. He has tons of friends and everyone knows him, and before he got his head screwed on straight with his current and possibly permanent girlfriend, he was the craziest of all his friends, always on the go acting as the taxi service for all their crazy goings-on. Now, also his performing and teaching schedule has managed to curb much of the nonsense of his previous bachelor days. His few minutes of free time are dedicated to his passion for cars, including the primping and maintenance of his own, as well as motor cross races and the Rally. It is only for this cause that he manages to put aside his usual frugal spending habits and become a major spender in the buying of every sort of accessory and part for his precious "Squalo," the Toyota Super that he drives. He is a big eater even if he is also a picky one; for example, he hates fish, especially sardines (he can smell them a mile away and then can't eat for 3 days), Coca-Cola, proscuitto crudo (incredible!) and lots of other stuff that time and space won't allow us to list here. Like I said earlier, before meeting Federica he was a major womanizer. Now, however, he is all starry-eyed, settled, and completely monogamous. No need to worry for the future fans of RENUDO, however; 3/4 of the group are without ball and chain, so all you girls that are ready to rock... bring it on!
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